Our Mission

At Esek Hevrati, we aim to empower freelancers and business providers by fostering a community that values both professional success and social responsibility. Our mission is to create a platform where professionals can connect, collaborate, and contribute to meaningful social causes while growing their businesses.


Services We Offer

  1. Freelancer Networking

    • Connect with Peers: Join a vibrant community of freelancers and business providers. Network, share experiences, and find collaboration opportunities.
    • Events and Meetups: Participate in regular networking events, workshops, and meetups designed to foster connections and professional growth.
  2. Volunteer Opportunities

    • Social Involvement: Engage in various volunteer opportunities that allow you to give back to the community. Whether it’s mentoring, community service, or pro bono work, we provide avenues to make a positive impact.
    • Skill-Based Volunteering: Utilize your professional skills to support non-profits and community projects. Offer your expertise in areas like marketing, design, translation, and more.
  3. Educational Resources

    • Workshops and Webinars: Access a range of educational content to enhance your skills and knowledge. Our workshops and webinars cover topics like business management, marketing strategies, and personal development.
    • Learning Hub: Explore articles, guides, and tutorials created by industry experts to help you stay informed and ahead of the curve.
  4. Business Listings

    • Freelancer Directory: Get listed in our comprehensive freelancer directory. Increase your visibility and attract potential clients looking for reliable and skilled professionals.
    • Service Promotions: Promote your services through our platform. Take advantage of our marketing tools to reach a broader audience and grow your business.
  5. Community Projects

    • Collaborative Initiatives: Join hands with other professionals in collaborative community projects. Work together on initiatives that benefit society and create lasting change.
    • Impact Stories: Share your success stories and experiences. Inspire others by showcasing how your contributions have made a difference in the community.

Our Impact

Since our inception, Esek Hevrati has connected countless freelancers with opportunities to grow professionally and contribute to social causes. Our members have collectively volunteered thousands of hours, supported numerous community projects, and created a network of like-minded professionals committed to making a difference.

Join us in our journey to create a more socially responsible and connected freelance community. Together, we can achieve great things both professionally and socially.