A survey for self evaluation


Volunteering is a powerful way to give back to the community, develop new skills, and build meaningful connections. However, finding the right volunteer opportunities that align with your interests and motivations can significantly enhance your experience. This self-assessment survey aims to help you understand what interests you most in volunteering and how it can integrate with your business activities. By answering the following questions, you will gain insights into your preferences and be able to focus on engaging in social involvement activities that resonate with you.

Why Take This survey?

  • Identify Your Interests: Understanding what motivates you to volunteer can help you find opportunities that you will enjoy and be passionate about.

  • Enhance Your Impact: When you volunteer in areas that align with your interests and skills, your contributions are more impactful and meaningful.

  • Integrate with Your Business: Knowing your volunteer preferences can help you incorporate social involvement into your business strategy, making it a part of your professional journey.

How It Works

This survey includes a series of questions designed to uncover your primary motivations and values. By reflecting on your answers, you can identify the types of volunteer activities that are most likely to satisfy and inspire you.

Uncover What Drives You to Volunteer

How to Answer the Questions

To get the most out of this survey and discover your ideal volunteer opportunities, follow these simple steps:

  1. Read Each Question Carefully: Take your time to understand what each question is asking about your motivations and interests.
  2. Reflect on Your Experiences: Think about past volunteer experiences or what excites you most about volunteering. Consider what drives you and what types of activities you enjoy.
  3. Choose the Option That Resonates Most: For each question, select the option that best describes your feelings and motivations. There are no right or wrong answers, just what feels most true for you.
  4. Be Honest with Yourself: Answering honestly will help you identify volunteer opportunities that truly align with your passions and skills, making your experience more fulfilling and impactful.

By following these steps, you'll gain valuable insights into what motivates you to volunteer, helping you to engage in meaningful social involvement activities that resonate with your personal and professional goals.

1 / 3

What drives you to volunteer?

2 / 3

Which of these activities appeals to you the most?

3 / 3

How do you prefer to work on volunteer projects?



Interpreting Your Results

After completing the survey, review your answers to identify your dominant motivations and interests. Here are some interpretations based on common motivations:

  • Basic Needs and Survival (A): You are driven by ensuring basic needs are met. Look for volunteer opportunities that provide essential support, such as digital literacy training for underserved communities.

  • Community Support (B): You value supporting and protecting your community. Engage in organizing local events or support groups.

  • Personal Achievement (C): You enjoy demonstrating your capabilities. Lead initiatives that allow you to showcase your skills.

  • Structure and Duty (D): You thrive in structured environments. Volunteer in roles with clear guidelines and responsibilities.

  • Success and Recognition (E): You aim for success. Choose projects that enhance your professional portfolio.

  • Connection and Collaboration (F): You value building connections. Collaborate on community-focused projects.

  • Innovation and Problem Solving (G): You love solving complex problems. Engage in developing innovative solutions for social issues.

  • Global Impact (H): You aim for global harmony. Participate in international volunteer efforts.

Next Steps

  • Explore Opportunities: Use your survey results to explore volunteer opportunities that match your motivations.

  • Integrate with Your Business: Consider how these volunteer activities can be integrated into your business strategy, enhancing both your professional and personal growth.

  • Stay Engaged: Regularly revisit your motivations and interests to ensure you are engaged in activities that continue to inspire and fulfill you.

By understanding your motivations, you can make more informed decisions about where and how to volunteer, ensuring a more rewarding and impactful experience.