Enhancing NGO Impact through Digital Volunteering: A Call to Action

Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) play a crucial role in addressing social, economic, and environmental challenges worldwide. In Israel, several prominent NGOs are making significant strides in combating poverty, promoting education, supporting vulnerable populations, and more. As the digital age advances, the concept of digital volunteering has emerged as a powerful tool to amplify the impact of these organizations. This post aims to raise awareness about the activities of key Israeli NGOs and explain how digital freelancers can support these organizations through digital volunteering.


Latet: Combating Poverty and Food Insecurity

About Latet

Latet, Israel’s largest NGO combating poverty and food insecurity, was established in 1996. The organization operates the leading national food bank and runs impactful aid programs to support underserved families, youth at risk, and Holocaust survivors. Latet’s mission is to reduce poverty and provide food security through direct aid and advocacy.

Digital Volunteering Opportunities

  1. Content Creation and Management:

   – Create engaging content for Latet’s social media channels and blog to raise awareness about their initiatives.

   – Manage social media accounts to increase engagement and attract donors and volunteers.

  1. Graphic Design:

   – Design marketing materials, infographics, and reports to visually communicate Latet’s impact.

  1. Data Analysis:

   – Analyze data from Latet’s annual Poverty Report to help refine programs and advocacy efforts.

  1. Website Development:

   – Enhance Latet’s website functionality and optimize it for search engines to increase online visibility.

Learn more about Latet and how to get involved https://www.latet.org.il/en/about/ .

Nevet: Addressing Child Malnutrition

About Nevet

Nevet focuses on addressing malnutrition among Israeli schoolchildren by providing breakfast sandwiches to children from disadvantaged homes. The organization ensures that children receive the necessary nutrition to succeed academically and thrive physically.

Digital Volunteering Opportunities

  1. Social Media Campaigns:

   – Develop and manage social media campaigns to raise awareness and funds for Nevet’s programs.

  1. Volunteer Coordination:

   – Assist in the recruitment and management of volunteers through digital platforms.

  1. Educational Outreach:

   – Create online educational materials and webinars about child nutrition and Nevet’s impact.

Learn more about Nevet and how to get involved https://www.nevet.org .

ESRA: Supporting New Immigrants

About ESRA

The English Speaking Residents Association (ESRA) assists new immigrants with integration into Israeli society. They provide various services, including personal support, networking activities, volunteering opportunities, and social and cultural events.

Digital Volunteering Opportunities

  1. Content Writing and Editing:

   – Write and edit articles for ESRA Magazine to share stories and experiences of new immigrants.

  1. Event Promotion:

   – Promote ESRA’s events and activities through digital marketing and social media.

  1. Translation Services:

   – Provide translation services to make ESRA’s resources accessible to non-English speaking immigrants.

Learn more about ESRA and how to get involved https://www.esra.org.il .

The Lone Soldier Center: Supporting Lone Soldiers

About The Lone Soldier Center

The Lone Soldier Center supports lone soldiers—those without family in Israel—by providing food, housing, and social support. The organization offers various volunteer opportunities, including hosting family services, fundraising, and social events.

Digital Volunteering Opportunities

  1. Fundraising Campaigns:

   – Plan and execute online fundraising campaigns to support lone soldiers.

  1. Social Media Management:

   – Manage social media accounts to share stories of lone soldiers and attract support.

  1. Graphic Design:

   – Design materials for events and campaigns to raise awareness and funds.

Learn more about The Lone Soldier Center and how to get involved https://lonesoldiercenter.com .


OneDay Social Volunteering: Flexible Volunteering for Young Adults

About OneDay Social Volunteering

OneDay Social Volunteering organizes one-day volunteering events for young adults, making it easy to fit volunteering into busy schedules. Activities include helping in schools, elderly homes, beach cleaning, and food packaging.

Digital Volunteering Opportunities

  1. Event Coordination:

   – Assist in coordinating and promoting one-day volunteering events through digital platforms.

  1. Content Creation:

   – Create engaging content to attract young adults to participate in volunteering activities.

  1. Social Media Campaigns:

   – Develop and manage campaigns to highlight the impact of one-day volunteering.

Learn more about OneDay Social Volunteering and how to get involved https://www.facebook.com/OneDaySV .


Ruach Tova (Good Spirit): Connecting Volunteers with Opportunities

About Ruach Tova

Part of the Arison Group, Ruach Tova connects volunteers with various opportunities across Israel. The initiative provides a centralized hub for volunteer information, especially during crises, helping to match volunteers with urgent needs.

Digital Volunteering Opportunities

  1. Volunteer Coordination:

   – Use digital platforms to match volunteers with appropriate opportunities.

  1. Website Management:

   – Enhance the Ruach Tova website to make it easier for volunteers to find and sign up for opportunities.

  1. Data Analysis:

   – Analyze volunteer data to improve the matching process and track the impact of volunteer efforts.

Learn more about Ruach Tova and how to get involved https://www.ruachtova.org.il .


SPCA Israel: Promoting Animal Welfare

About SPCA Israel

The Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals in Israel (SPCA Israel) promotes animal welfare by sheltering abandoned animals, finding them adoptive homes, and running educational programs.

Digital Volunteering Opportunities

  1. Social Media Management:

   – Manage social media accounts to promote animal adoption and welfare.

  1. Content Creation:

   – Create educational content about animal welfare for SPCA’s website and social media.

  1. Graphic Design:

   – Design marketing materials to promote SPCA’s programs and adoption events.

Learn more about SPCA Israel and how to get involved https://www.spca.co.il .

ASSAF: Aiding Refugees and Asylum Seekers


ASSAF supports refugees and asylum seekers in Israel, providing psychosocial services and advocacy. Volunteers can assist with activities like translation, writing, photography, and graphic design.

Digital Volunteering Opportunities

  1. Translation Services:

   – Provide translation services to make ASSAF’s resources accessible to a broader audience.

  1. Content Writing:

   – Write articles and stories to raise awareness about refugee issues and ASSAF’s impact.

  1. Graphic Design:

   – Design materials for advocacy campaigns and events.


Learn more about ASSAF and how to get involved https://www.assaf.org.il .

Digital volunteering offers a flexible and impactful way for freelancers to contribute their skills to meaningful causes. By supporting these NGOs, digital volunteers can help amplify their efforts, increase awareness, and drive positive change in Israeli society. Whether through content creation, social media management, graphic design, or data analysis, there are numerous ways to get involved and make a difference from anywhere in the world.


Join the movement of digital volunteering and support these incredible NGOs in their mission to create a better world.