Who We Are

Esek Hevrati is a dynamic platform dedicated to bridging the gap between freelance service providers and volunteer opportunities. We are a community-driven initiative that believes in the power of giving back. Our mission is to empower freelancers to enhance their professional careers while making a meaningful impact on society.


Our Vision

At Esek Hevrati, we envision a thriving community where freelancers not only excel in their professional careers but also contribute meaningfully to society. We aim to be the premier platform that bridges the gap between freelance service providers and volunteer opportunities, demonstrating how social responsibility can enhance business success. Our vision is to foster a culture of giving back, where every act of volunteering is recognized as a strategic advantage for personal growth and business development.


Our Mission

Our mission is to create a supportive network of freelance professionals who understand the value of social responsibility. We strive to provide opportunities for freelancers to volunteer their skills, connect with like-minded individuals, and grow their businesses through meaningful contributions to their communities.


What We Offer

  • Volunteer Opportunities: Connect with organizations and causes that need your unique skills and expertise.
  • Community Support: Join a vibrant community of freelancers who share your passion for giving back and professional growth.
  • Resources and Education: Access resources and educational content to help you integrate volunteering into your business strategy.
  • Recognition and Growth: Gain recognition for your volunteer efforts and leverage these experiences to grow both personally and professionally.


Why Choose Esek Hevrati?

  • Empowerment: We empower freelancers to use their skills for the greater good, enhancing their business success in the process.
  • Networking: Build meaningful connections with other freelancers and organizations committed to social responsibility.
  • Growth: Experience personal and professional growth through volunteering and community involvement.
  • Impact: Make a tangible impact on society while advancing your freelance career.


Join Us

Are you ready to make a difference? Join Esek Hevrati today and be part of a community that values both professional excellence and social responsibility. Together, we can achieve great things and create a lasting impact.

click here to join now